'Memories in pattern and colour'

A vintage find: 1929 Savoy Theatre Programme, art deco fashion and lovliness!

I found this little programme for a tiny price of 25p at a local vintage shop. It was the front cover that drew me in, and then as I flicked through the pages I saw some lovely examples of high-end fashion from the time.

It is such a step back in time, and as I flick through the pages I can imagine my self at the theatre, dressed up to the nines in my art deco beaded attire! The adverts are aimed at ladies with money, and really brings back the allure of the luxury of the time! Glorious!


   theatre booktheatre book2920's Savoy theatre programme art deco flapper fashion 1920's 20's vintage920's Savoy theatre programme 1920's art deco fashion, flappertheatre book5  theatre book1

My first sewing project in possibly years?!! A cute vintage collar, made from 1950’s cotton fabric!

ImageImageThis must have been my first sewing project in almost years…shame full I know, but due to lack of energy and what not, I just have not been up to much! But me and my mum were in C&H fabrics a few weeks ago when we found sewing patterns were at half price (OMG I know!!! *AMAZING*) and that’s when we found this gem of a pattern! Ive been wanting to make a cute little collar for a while now, and this was a really good pattern to try and ease me back into sewing as I have never been really very good at it.  this project was just perfect to build a little confidence 🙂

So much so, I am attempting my next, in a very very slow manner. I find I am the slowest at sewing, mainly due to the fact i have M.E and have to rest after short amounts of sewing, and then there is the setbacks…oh crumbs I have had so many of these in this current project. If it was not for my amazingly talented mum I would not have got this far! It will be  a miracle if I it get completed. However I am determined!!! I have the completed item in my imagination, and that makes me very happy, so I just have to keep that in mind every time i make a silly mistake! It is a real test of patience, not something I’m used to!

So here is a sneak peek! Any guesses as to what it is?!



Snow and jumpers, the perfect combination (and a sock and stone too!)










A pre-Mothers day treat, at the wonderful and inspiring Pop-Up Vintage in Hassocks!

This is the second time me and my sister have popped along to this wonderful event. This time we even took our lovely mum, so its was a fantastic girly day out for us! We even found time for tea and *the most amazing* cake in a pop up vintage cafe. Tea and cake are always better when served on vintage mismatched crockery, don’t you think?!  Unfortunately I forgot to take any pictures, so all pictures are courtesy of vintagebrighton.com but check all the vintageness that was on offer!

vintage home, vintage fair hassocks, shabby chic

vintage wallpapervintage animals ceramicsvintage clothingvintage ladybird booksvintage fair hassocksvintage wig hat stands

All of the above photos are from http://vintagebrighton.com!

My bargain purchases of the day were a £1 costume ring, made off brass with glass diamontes, and a 1960’s shift dress which is in pristine condition and made from the most amazing marbled vibrant fabric.  I cant wait for the weather to improve so i can wear it this summer! Unfortunately it is snowing here today, so it may have to make itself comfy in my wardrobe for many weeks to come!


A vintage treat for mum on mothers day!


A pretty, old tea/chocolate cup made a beautiful planter for one of my favourite plants, Hyacinths! I found this cup and saucer a good while back, but enjoyed planning ahead and I got it planted up ahead of time and gave this to mum on mothers day. She loved it 🙂

Check out this funny picture of Brighton Swimming club (1863) from my almost local city of Brighton. Thought it was just worth a share! The top hats and trunks make for an ‘interesting’ look!

Armchair Dreamer

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Mr Bingleys field adventure!

It was a little while ago now, but me and my little friend Mr Bingley went for a little explore of a field just outside my village.  It is a regular haunt of ours, as it’s  a great place to let Bingley poddle about and have a little explore, not to mention eat masses of rabbit poo! (Yes what a filthy habit!)

It was literally the first sunny day we had seen for weeks, and honestly a walk in the muddy redundant potato field was bliss! So much so that I managed to lose poor Mr Bingley’s lead which meant a dilemma regarding getting the little boy back home! Thankfully my camera strap came in handy as a makeshift lead 😀

Once we were back home safely we then set about to giving Bingley his morning shower and upon finishing, Bingley hurt himself getting out the bath. It turns out after a visit to the vet, he has hurt his back and needed some time (and medicine) to recover! Hence the last picture which he was all tucked up and sleeping lots until has back was a little better!

Thankfully I am happy to say he is now back to his normal happy self, and is feeling much better 🙂




Picture post: A vintage inspired print takes my denim blues away!


Please excuse the poor quality of this photo, this is the first post I have made using my smart phone, but as you can see the camera is shoddy! But ah well, I hope to do more picture posts whilst on the move in the future. Although I certainly think you can’t beat a proper camera and a good sit down at the computer! This print cheered me up today, I found it in Dorothy Perkins on the sale rail, whilst desperately looking for some jeans. As I am sure you know looking for jeans can be tiring and not always fruitful, so to find this joyful little ditty print made me smile, and took my denim blues away!

2012 in review, a humble start but im proud of my blog :-)

I was excited to come across my blog report, Its pretty humble but i admit it makes me feel very pleased to even think 1 person has gained enjoyment from my blog as afterall that is what its all about!

I would like to personally thank my most active commenters:






Youre comments make it the more worthwhile!


Here’s an excerpt:

600 people reached the top of Mt. Everest in 2012. This blog got about 2,200 views in 2012. If every person who reached the top of Mt. Everest viewed this blog, it would have taken 4 years to get that many views.

Click here to see the complete report.

Hellooooo i am back, slightly blog rusty! So heres a slightly rusty tin to say sorry!

Hellooooo i am back, slightly blog rusty! So heres a slightly rusty tin to say sorry!

vintage dainty dinah horners antique collectable dew vintage tin

Hi all! Its been ages since I last blogged, I am so sorry to the regular readers. I have been pretty run down since Crimbo so I hope you will forgive my slackness!

Now I’m trying to get back into the swing of things and frankly feel like I have tonnes to show you, and am surely going to end up creating a mish mash of posts over the coming weeks of all the bits and bobs I know you will like to see. Organisation never has been a good point so again do forgive any randomness!

I excitedly wanted to show any vintage lovers this really lovely vintage tin I found today. It’s super super pretty and is a confectionary tin for Dainty Dianah toffees. It’s a bit battered but still charming. As always I did a little digging and found this website which is full of all sorts of information on Horners, Dainty Dinah tins. It’s worth a peek!
